[−][src]Crate tink_proto
Protocol buffer message definitions for Tink.
json | Manual keyset serialization implementations that map enums onto strings rather than
the |
key_data | Nested message and enum types in |
keyset | Nested message and enum types in |
keyset_info | Nested message and enum types in |
AesCmacKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesCmacKey |
AesCmacKeyFormat | |
AesCmacParams | |
AesCmacPrfKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesCmacPrfKey |
AesCmacPrfKeyFormat | |
AesCtrHmacAeadKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesCtrHmacAeadKey |
AesCtrHmacAeadKeyFormat | |
AesCtrHmacStreamingKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesCtrHmacStreamingKey |
AesCtrHmacStreamingKeyFormat | |
AesCtrHmacStreamingParams | |
AesCtrKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesCtrKey |
AesCtrKeyFormat | |
AesCtrParams | |
AesEaxKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesEaxKey |
AesEaxKeyFormat | |
AesEaxParams | only allowing tag size in bytes = 16 |
AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey |
AesGcmHkdfStreamingKeyFormat | |
AesGcmHkdfStreamingParams | |
AesGcmKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey |
AesGcmKeyFormat | only allowing IV size in bytes = 12 and tag size in bytes = 16 Thus, accept no params. |
AesGcmSivKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmSivKey |
AesGcmSivKeyFormat | The only allowed IV size is 12 bytes and tag size is 16 bytes. Thus, accept no params. |
AesSivKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesSivKey |
AesSivKeyFormat | |
ChaCha20Poly1305Key | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.ChaCha20Poly1305. This key type actually implements ChaCha20Poly1305 as described at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7539#section-2.8. |
ChaCha20Poly1305KeyFormat | |
EcdsaKeyFormat | |
EcdsaParams | Protos for Ecdsa. |
EcdsaPrivateKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.EcdsaPrivateKey |
EcdsaPublicKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.EcdsaPublicKey |
EciesAeadDemParams | Parameters of AEAD DEM (Data Encapsulation Mechanism). |
EciesAeadHkdfKeyFormat | |
EciesAeadHkdfParams | |
EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey | EciesKdfAeadPrivateKey represents HybridDecryption primitive. key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey |
EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey | EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey represents HybridEncryption primitive. key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey |
EciesHkdfKemParams | Parameters of KEM (Key Encapsulation Mechanism) |
Ed25519KeyFormat | |
Ed25519PrivateKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.Ed25519PrivateKey |
Ed25519PublicKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.Ed25519PublicKey |
Empty | |
EncryptedKeyset | Represents a keyset that is encrypted with a master key. |
HkdfPrfKey | |
HkdfPrfKeyFormat | |
HkdfPrfParams | |
HmacKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.HmacKey |
HmacKeyFormat | |
HmacParams | |
HmacPrfKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.HmacPrfKey |
HmacPrfKeyFormat | |
HmacPrfParams | |
JwtHmacKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.JwtHmacKey |
JwtHmacKeyFormat | |
KeyData | The actual *Key-proto is wrapped in a KeyData message, which in addition to this serialized proto contains also type_url identifying the definition of *Key-proto (as in KeyFormat-message), and some extra metadata about the type key material. |
KeyTemplate | |
KeyTypeEntry | An entry that describes a key type to be used with Tink library, specifying the corresponding primitive, key manager, and deprecation status. All fields are required. |
Keyset | A Tink user works usually not with single keys, but with keysets, to enable key rotation. The keys in a keyset can belong to different implementations/key types, but must all implement the same primitive. Any given keyset (and any given key) can be used for one primitive only. |
KeysetInfo | Represents a "safe" Keyset that doesn't contain any actual key material, thus can be used for logging or monitoring. Most fields are copied from Keyset. |
KmsAeadKey | There is no actual key material in the key. |
KmsAeadKeyFormat | |
KmsEnvelopeAeadKey | There is no actual key material in the key. |
KmsEnvelopeAeadKeyFormat | |
PrfBasedDeriverKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.PrfBasedDeriverKey |
PrfBasedDeriverKeyFormat | |
PrfBasedDeriverParams | |
RegistryConfig | A complete configuration of Tink library: a list of key types to be available via the Registry after initialization. All fields are required. |
RsaSsaPkcs1KeyFormat | |
RsaSsaPkcs1Params | |
RsaSsaPkcs1PrivateKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.RsaSsaPkcs1PrivateKey |
RsaSsaPkcs1PublicKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.RsaSsaPkcs1PublicKey |
RsaSsaPssKeyFormat | |
RsaSsaPssParams | |
RsaSsaPssPrivateKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.RsaSsaPssPrivateKey |
RsaSsaPssPublicKey | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.RsaSsaPssPublicKey |
XChaCha20Poly1305Key | key_type: type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.XChaCha20Poly1305Key |
XChaCha20Poly1305KeyFormat |
EcPointFormat | |
EcdsaSignatureEncoding | |
EllipticCurveType | |
HashType | |
KeyStatusType | |
OutputPrefixType | Tink produces and accepts ciphertexts or signatures that consist of a prefix and a payload. The payload and its format is determined entirely by the primitive, but the prefix has to be one of the following 4 types: |